Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

1st OPEN-AIR CITIES International Conference

1st OPEN-AIR CITIES International Conference 

Local and Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction

Call for Papers 
Athens, February 16-18, 2024 

We would like to invite you to participate in the 1st OPEN-AIR CITIES International Conference, organized by Open-Air Cities, HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY of Athens – Postgraduate Programme “Sustainable Development”, SYROS INSTITUTE and in co-organization: Municipality of KALLITHEA.

The conference aims to present and disseminate research results related to the Sustainable Development of cities and regions at a global level.

The main subject is the presentation of relevant research in the field of Sustainable Development.

The conference is organized and structured on the four main pillars of Sustainable Development, which in fact are also the main pillars of Urban and Regional Development: Environment, Economy, Society and Culture. Each of these pillars includes its subcategories, which are detailed through the thematic sections related to the 17 Global Goals of Sustainable Development.  

The conference will bring together many distinguished researchers of Local and Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. All submitted articles will undergo rigorous peer review.  

The conference will take place by physical presence at Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, between February 16 and 18, 2024. All submitted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings and peer reviewed and published in the international journal Sustainable Development, Culture, Traditions Journal (www.sdct-journal.com) (ISSN: 2241-4010).


– Theories of urban and regional development

– Sustainable cities and regions

– Sustainable environment in cities and regions (natural environment, waste and water management, sewage systems, etc.)

– Sustainable climate in cities and regions

– Sustainable coastal and island areas

– Sustainable marine life

– Sustainable energy production and management in cities and regions (in the building and domestic sector, heating and cooling, energy saving)

– Transportation and sustainable development

– Sustainable economy in cities and regions

– Primary, secondary, tertiary production sectors and sustainable development

– Entrepreneurship and sustainable development in cities and regions

– Innovation and sustainable urban and regional development

– Sustainable consumption and production in cities and regions

– Culture and sustainable development of cities and regions

– Material and immaterial culture and sustainable development (historic cities, monuments, customs, etc.)

– Sustainable public works and infrastructure systems in cities and regions

– Tourism and sustainable urban and regional development

– New technologies and sustainable urban and regional development

– Education and sustainable urban and regional development (infrastructure and education systems)

– Social issues and sustainable urban and regional development (social infrastructure, poverty, health, social inequality, peer equality, unemployment)

– Peace, justice, institutions and sustainable urban and regional development

– Cooperation and sustainable development


November 10, 2023 – Deadline for abstract submission

November 15, 2023 – Sending acceptance letters

December 15, 2023 – Deadline for registration fee payment (Early Registration)

December 16 and onwards – Late Registration

January 10, 2024 – Announcement of the Conference Agenda

February 16-18, 2024 – Conference Dates

March 31, 2024 – Deadline for full paper submission

April 30, 2024 – Publication of the Proceedings of the Conference at www.sdct-journal.com

You can see details about the format and submit your abstract and paper herehttps://www.openaircities.org/abstract-submission/

You can see more details for registration here: https://www.openaircities.org/dates-registration/

You can see the keynote speakers here: https://www.openaircities.org/keynote-speakers/

You can see the Scientific and Organizing Committee here: https://www.openaircities.org/575-2/

You can see who should attend and why here: https://www.openaircities.org/who-should-attend-why/

More information for the conference can be found at the webpage: https://www.openaircities.org/


We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you on February 16-18, 2024 in Athens