Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Hellenic Observatory Centre for Research

The Hellenic Observatory Centre for Research on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) invites expressions of interest for the 2025 round of the British Academy Visiting Fellowships scheme.

We welcome applications from post-doctoral researchers and academics in the social sciences at any career stage, based outside the United Kingdom, whose work focuses on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus and contributes to the following broad themes:

  • Economy & Public Policy
  • Politics & Geopolitics
  • Society, Identity & Rights

Selected applicants will receive support throughout the application process to the British Academy and research mentorship throughout the duration of the visit from a faculty member of the Hellenic Observatory.

The expression of interest should include the following:

  • CV, including a comprehensive list of publications.
  • Outline of the research proposal, not exceeding 2 pages, including:  research question / theoretical framework / current state of the literature /  methodology / intended publication outputs / anticipated benefits of collaboration with the Hellenic Observatory Centre.

Deadline and enquiries

Submissions should be received by Monday 2 September 2024 via email to hellenicobservatory@lse.ac.uk.

For initial discussions and informal research enquiries, interested candidates are encouraged to contact Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis at v.monastiriotis@lse.ac.uk.

For any other queries please contact: hellenicobservatory@lse.ac.uk.

Key Fellowship Details:

  • Location: LSE, London
  • Start date: any time between March-August 2025
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Maximum research funding: £28,000

Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to review the detailed information on the scheme and eligible costs on the British Academy Visiting Fellowships FAQ webpage before submitting an expression of interest.

Σύνδεσμος: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/visiting-fellowships/

Λήξη Υποβολής: 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


Τοποθεσία: ΛΟΝΔΙΝΟ

Επίπεδο Σπουδών: Διδακτορικό,Μεταδιδακτορικό

Δικαιούχοι: Διδακτορικό,Μεταδιδακτορικό,Υποψήφιοι Διδάκτορες,Διδάκτορες