Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Doctoral students (computer vision and robotics)

About the job

Vacancies description:

The Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens and the University of Amsterdam offer multiple positions for doctoral students in the research fields of computer vision and robotics.

The PhD theses will be jointly supervised by Ass. Prof. Georgios Th. Papadopoulos (G.Th.Papadopoulos@hua.gr) and Assoc. Prof. Efstratios Gavves (E.Gavves@uva.nl).

The selected candidates will receive funding from relevant European research projects of the Harokopio University of Athens.

The subjects of research include the following topics:

  • Foundation models for visual perception and recognition
  • Dynamic semantic 3D SLAM
  • Semantic environment perception (object detection, object tracking, semantic image segmentation, etc.)
  • Robot learning-from-demonstration
  • Human action recognition
  • Explainable artificial intelligence
  • Augmented reality

Interested individuals are invited to contact via e-mail (provided above), in order to send their CV and to receive more detailed information about the open positions.


  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering or related field
  • Excellent programming skills (Python programming language preferred)
  • Excellent knowledge of English language (written and spoken)

Additional skills (will be considered as a plus):

  • Knowledge of fundamental machine and/or deep learning principles
  • Experience with PyTorch (or other similar) deep learning implementation package
  • Previous scientific publications in related fields (e.g. computer vision, artificial intelligence, etc.)


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