Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης


In the difficult transition period, during which the student and graduate goes from the University to the workplace, the provision of support and advice for decision-making related to the professional career plays an important role.

For this purpose, the staff of Career Office, as well as the members of D.E.P. of the University, are at the disposal of its students and graduates, in an effort to help them diagnose their abilities and qualifications. Thus, the chances of students to follow that professional direction or those postgraduate programs will increase, which will utilize, in the best possible way, the knowledge they acquired during their studies at the University.

The operation of Career Office

The operation of Career Office consists of the following activities:

The information provided by Career Office consists of:

  • Collection of data on the possibilities of internships and employment in the labor market, as well as training seminars, postgraduate studies and scholarships.
  • Informing the labor market about the work of the University Departments and the potential of their student potential.
  • Informing students and graduates of the University about techniques for searching and applying for a job, as well as behavior in an interview.
  • Organization of events with the participation of business executives, with the aim of informing students and graduates in relation to the qualifications required to fill a job, but also about the situation that prevails in various sectors of the labor market. This gives students and graduates the opportunity to get to know each other for the first time with employers.

The activation of all the above procedures to support the student or the graduate by Career Office is done immediately:

  • by connecting to the Information System
  • by sending a message to the email address career@hua.gr 
  • with a phone call 210 95 49 116