Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Tips for the Interview

The interview process is quite demanding and requires good preparation. The better prepared you are, the lower your stress level will be!

How I should prepare for an interview ?

Before the interview
  • Study the organization, the services or products it provides, its corporate culture, its vision and its presentation on the labor market.
  • I am very familiar with my CV and what I have mentioned in the Cover Letter.
  • I prepare a series of questions so that I can have more comfort and readiness in my answers.
  • Check my connection, reduce external noises, create a nice “frame” for the interview and choose a neat and complete professional appearance.
During the interview
  • I am honest, polite and specific in my answers.
  • I accept past failures and plead ignorance.
  • I am asking for information about the specific position and not giving out irrelevant information
  • Indicative Questions:
    • Tell me about you.
    • Why do you want to do an internship / work at our institution?
    • Why did you choose this country (if it is a foreign company)?
    • Why did you choose the specific studies
    • What professional experience do you have?
    • How could you contribute to our organization?
    • Case Studies (e.g. How will you reach a specific target group with your meal plan? How will you ensure your code is both secure and fast?)
    • How do you imagine yourself in 5 years?
    • Which research subject did you approach in your degree?
    • Why should we choose you?
After the interview
  • Thank you email

If you would like to prepare properly, do not hesitate to contact the Career Office to support you in your preparation.