Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Mentor Network

Aim of the Mentor Network of Harokopio University of Athens is to to give the students, final students and graduates of Harokopio University of Athens the opportunity to seek information on study matters on the one hand, and professional advice from Harokopio University of Athens graduates and professionals on the other hand.

Mentors are professionals, labor market executives, representatives of collective productive bodies and organizations, graduates of Harokopio University of Athens who work in the private or public sector and volunteer their their advice to seniors and new graduates.

The responsibilities of the mentor are as follows:

  1.  to support the beneficiary in the first steps of his professional and academic career
  2. to inform him about new trends in the labor market
  3. impart to him his philosophy, knowledge and expertise as well as skills .

The goal is to transmit professional experience to the new generation of Harokopio University of Athens graduates.

The beneficiaries (mentees) of Mentor Network of Harokopio University of Athens  students and the graduates of Harokopio University of Athens .

Interested students/graduates will be able to contact the career mentors through the network to discuss issues related to their future professional career.

Mentoring services are offered free of charge and take place online.

To become a mentor of Harokopio University fill in the form here or contact the  Career Office career@hua.gr