Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Job Posting / CV Search | MyHUA

The service MyHUA (dashboard) refers to the ability to create a profile from the students, final students and graduates and registration of their CVs in a database, to which cooperating institutions and businesses have access.

It also concerns the possibility of electronic registration by employers of jobs through the Portal, for which human resources are sought, as well as the possibility of electronic search of CVs of graduates and graduates by employers. 

How does it work ?

For business
  • The business creates an account in the Portalhere.  
  • The Career Office of Harokopio University of Athens approves the company’s request.
  • The business registers the employment ads
  • The Career Office publishes the employment ads on the page here
For final students / graduates
  • The interested final student, graduate of Harokopio University of Athens creates an account in the Portal here.  
  • The Career Office of Harokopio University of Athens approves the request of the final student, graduate.
  • The interested final student, graduate registers his CV.
How is the connection made?
  • The interested final student, graduate expresses interest in the position, directly to the employer who contacts him.
  • The employer has the ability to identify CVs that are of interest to him for filling a job vacancy and contacts the final student-graduate.
The registered CVs are available online and are viewed without the personal data of the respective final student-graduate. If you are a representative of a company / organization through the MyHUA Service, you can:
  • create and manage your account in the portal of Career Office,
  • register employment ads
  • search Alumni CVs of Harokopio University of Athens
  • organize events or actions with the Career Office.
To connect to the Portal click here.