Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Group Counseling

The staff of the Career Office can assist University students and graduates by providing information on how to create the application file and fill in relevant forms to search for or claim a job. They also inform them about the writing of the CV and cover letter and prepare them for how they should behave in a selection interview.
The 4th year students are informed about the professional prospects and will be properly prepared for the job market by participating in 6 seminars on the following topics:
  1. Compilation of CV Note
  2. Selection interview preparation
  3. Create a professional profile on LinkedIn
  4. Selection of an internship institution
  5. Search for postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad
  6. Discussion with an alumnus from the “HUA_ALUMNI” network. 
Group counseling takes place through Seminars for final students – graduates.
  • To take part in Seminars for final students – graduates you can send us a message at the email address career@hua.gr