Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Graduate Supervisory Counseling

The provision of supervisory counseling to graduates of the Foundation includes their continuous monitoring and support for the management of their work problems and their better integration into the workplace.
Supervisory counseling includes training in communication skills to improve their verbal and emotional communication in the workplace. This can happen through the provision of three types of supervisory services to the University’s graduate educators (graduates of the Departments of Economics and Sustainable Development and Geography ), Dietitians (graduates of the Department of Dietetics-Nutrition Science) as well as graduates of the Department of Informatics and Telematics):
  • Individual work supervision aimed at managing difficulties and problems related to the exercise of the role in the workplace.
  • Group interprofessional work supervision aimed at managing work difficulties and problems by exploiting group dynamics and interprofessional interaction
  • Experiential seminars to get familiar with the structure and dynamics of human work systems with the aim of providing participants with a theoretical and practical reference framework for their difficulties so so that they manage these difficulties through self-organization.

Supervisory Counseling meetings take place through the Career Compass Service and Information Days.

  • To schedule your appointment press here.

To register for the workshops send a message to the email address career@hua.gr