Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Harokopio University's Career Office

The Study and Career Liaison Office of Harokopio University was founded in 1997 with funding from the European Union and the Ministry of Education within the framework of the Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK, 2nd CSF) with the aim of forming an information and support network for students / graduates in educational, professional and psychosocial matters.

The Study and Career Liaison Office:

▶️ For the period 2011 – 2014, he worked within the framework of the E.P. Education and Lifelong Learning co-financed by the European Union (EC) and National Resources.

▶️ From 01.01.2015 until 15.04.2021 it operated with its own resources.

▶️ From 16.04.2021 until 30.09.2023 it operates within the Operational Program “Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020″, NSRF 2014-2020”.

Its main objective is the development of communication between students / graduates and businesses or other productive bodies in which they could be absorbed, making appropriate use of their knowledge.

Recipients of the services are the students and graduates of Harokopio University, and the other Institutions of the country as well as the Staff of Harokopio University.

The operation of the Office and the observance of the data are governed by the Principles of Personal Data Protection.

Purpose of Establishing a Career Office

The modern age, in which we live, requires not only the acquisition of knowledge, but above all the best possible application of this knowledge in practice.

Unfortunately, however, the conditions that prevail in the labor market and the incomplete professional orientation, most of the time force University graduates to either remain unemployed or to find a professional way out in workplaces, which are not related to their field of study.

In this direction, as well as in the direction of better utilization of undergraduate students in the labor market, the Liaison Office is moving.

A Career Office does not promise to find work for all students and graduates who apply to it. However, it promises to provide the required information, so that the student himself can choose the work that suits him, or if he wishes, to attend postgraduate studies at home or abroad.

Thus, the main purpose of the Liaison Office is the development of two-way communication between academia and businesses or other productive bodies, in which students or graduates could be absorbed, making appropriate use of their knowledge.

Goals of the Career Office of Harokopio University

The institution of Career Offices, although it is quite widespread in Universities abroad, in our country is still at an initial stage.

Harokopion University, as a new HEI, which is interested not only in the proper scientific training of its students, but also in their future professional careers, established a Career Office with the main objective of facilitating communication between students and graduates of with the labor market.

The operation of the Career Office consists of the following activities:

1. Providing information

The information provided by the Career Office consists of:

  • Collection of data on the possibilities of internships and employment in the labor market, as well as training seminars, postgraduate studies and scholarships. These data are provided to the students and graduates of the University.
  • Informing the labor market about the work of the University Departments and the potential of their student potential.
  • Information for students and graduates of the University on how to search for and apply for a job, as well as how to behave in an interview.
  • Organization of seminars with the participation of business executives, with the aim of informing students and graduates in relation to the qualifications required to fill a job, but also about the situation that prevails in various sectors of the labor market. This gives students and graduates the opportunity to get to know each other for the first time with employers.

2. Consulting activities

In the difficult transition period, during which the student and graduate goes from the University to the workplace, the provision of support and advice for decision-making, related to the professional career, plays an important role.

For this purpose, the staff of the Career Office, as well as the members of D.E.P. of the University, are at the disposal of its students and graduates, in an effort to help them diagnose their abilities and qualifications. Thus, the chances of students to follow that professional direction or those postgraduate programs will increase, which will utilize, in the best possible way, the knowledge they acquired during their studies at the University.

The activation of all the above procedures for supporting the student or the graduate by the Career Office, takes place immediately after completing a CV, which is submitted to the Office.

Professional Employment

Graduates of the University’s departments have the opportunity to work professionally in both the public and private sectors.


The graduates of the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development

  • In secondary education.
  • In services of the Ministries of Agriculture and Welfare.
  • In Vocational Training Institutes.
  • In the Apprenticeship Schools of the OAED.
  • In agricultural and consumer cooperatives and associations.
  • In Soft Tourism organizations, in food distribution businesses, in Local and Prefectural Self-Government organizations, etc.
  • In programs and studies:
    • Popular Education.
    • of Local – Community – Regional Development.
    • Informing the consumer. of Environmental Protection, etc.

The graduates of the Department of Dietetics-Nutrition Science

  • In nursing institutions services and providers of health services for the nutritional treatment of patients and people with special nutritional needs, as well as in social welfare institutions.
  • In the food industry for product promotion, as well as for the design, modification and evaluation of new food products.
  • In mass production and meal distribution units, as well as in mass feeding units.
  • In research centers where they participate in the design, development and evaluation of metabolic, nutritional and epidemiological programs

The graduates of the Geography department

  • In industrial, tourist and commercial businesses.
  • In banks.
  • In insurance, advertising and engineering companies.
  • In map making companies.
  • In local and regional development organizations.
  • In social economy bodies.
  • In Ministries (Ministry of Defense, National Defense, etc.), services and organizations (G.Y.S., Cadastre and Mapping Organization, etc.).
  • In international organizations.
  • In education.

The graduates of the Department of Informatics and Telematics

  • In private companies of any scale and object (banks, insurance, engineering companies, etc.),
  • In IT and research bodies,
  • In the public sector and in the wider public sector, in international organizations
    and in education.